Scala for Machine Learning, Second Edition
By :

[10:1] Neural Network: A Review M. K. Gharate - PharmaInfo.net 2007
[10:2] Parallel Distributed Processing R. Rumelhart, J. McClelland - MIT Press 1986
[10:3] Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning Chap 5 Neural Networks: Introduction C. Bishop –Springer 2006
[10:4] Neural Network Models §3.3 Mathematical Model, §4.6 Lyapunov Theorem for Neural Networks P. De Wilde - Springer 1997
[10:5] Modern Multivariate Statistical Techniques §10.7 Multilayer Perceptrons (introduction) A.J. Izenman - Springer 2008
[10:6] Algorithms for initialization of neural network weights A. Pavelka, A Prochazka - Dept. of Computing and Control Engineering. Institute of Chemical Technology - http://dsp.vscht.cz/konference_matlab/matlab04/pavelka.pdf
[10:7] Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software $Object creational pattern: builder E. Gamma, R. Helm, R. Johnson, J. Vlissides - Addison Wesley 1995
[10:8] Introduction to Machine Learning: Linear Discrimination...