Scala for Machine Learning, Second Edition
By :

[8:1] Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective §23 Monte-Carlo inference K Murphy - MIT Press 2012
[8:2] Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective $15.1.2 Gaussian Random Numbers S. Marsland – Chapman & Hall/CRC 2015
[8:3] Monte Carlo Method Wikipedia the free encyclopedia Wikimedia Foundation - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monte_Carlo_method
[8:4] Monte Carlo Integration - Hitotsubashi University 2009 - http://ta.twi.tudelft.nl/mf/users/oosterle/oosterlee/lec8-hit-2009.pdf
[8:5] Bootstrap: A Statistical Method K. Singh, M. Xie – Rutgers University -http://stat.rutgers.edu/home/mxie/RCPapers/bootstrap.pdf
[8:6] Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective §24 Markov Chain Monte-Carlo inference K Murphy - MIT Press 2012
[8:7] Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning §11.2.2 The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm C. Bishop –Springer 2006
[8:8] Bayesian Inference: Gibbs Sampling I. Yildirim - University of Rochester 2012 - http://www.mit...