Scala for Machine Learning, Second Edition
By :

[1:1] One Div Zero Monads are Elephants Part 2, J. Iry Blog - 2007:
[1:2] Monad Design for the Web §7 A Review of Collections as Monads, L.G. Meredith - Artima - 2012
[1:3] Scalable Component Abstractions, M. Odersky M. Zenger - 2005 http://lamp.epfl.ch/~odersky/papers/ScalableComponent.pdf
[1:4] Akka Essentials §1 Introduction to Akka, M. K. Gupta - Packt Publishing 2012
[1:5] Introduction to Machine Learning §1.2 Examples of Machine Learning Applications E. Alpaydin – MIT Press 2007
[1:6] Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning §1.2 Probability Theory, C. Bishop – Springer 2006
[1:7] Apache Commons Math 3.3, The Apache Software Foundation - http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-math/
[1:8] JFreeChart version 1.0.1, Object Refinery Limited 2013 - http://www.jfree.org/jfreechart/
[1:9] Scalanlp/Breeze Wiki, https://github.com/scalanlp/breeze/wiki
[1:10] Programming in Scala...