Mastering Predictive Analytics with R, Second Edition
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In this section, we'll have a chance to explore data from an innovative and recent project known as SkillCraft. The interested reader can find out more about this project on the web by going to http://skillcraft.ca/. The key premise behind the project is that, by studying the performance of players in a real-time strategy (RTS) game that involves complex resource management and strategic decisions, we can study how humans learn complex skills and develop speed and competence in dynamic resource allocation scenarios. To achieve this, data has been collected from players playing the popular real-time strategy game, Starcraft 2, developed by Blizzard.
In this game, players compete against each other on one of many fixed maps and starting locations. Each player must choose a fictional race from three available choices and start with six worker units, which are used to collect one of two game resources. These resources are needed in order to build military and...