The Ultimate Guide to Building a Google Cloud Foundation
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When I was in high school, my dad got his pilot’s license and bought a small, twin-engine Comanche. Imagine a smallish four-seater car with wings, with some luggage thrown behind the two back seats – that’s pretty much what it’s like. The plane rolled off the assembly line in 1965, but my dad upgrades it constantly. Commercial pilots would drool over that little plane’s electronics. Honestly, I’m not sure if he likes flying as much as he likes upgrading his plane.
When I was a senior in high school, I remember that we took a trip. As the pilot, he was in the left front seat, and I was riding shotgun in the seat next to him. We were getting ready to take off and out he pulled out a laminated card of steps. It looked like original 1965 equipment.
I said, “What’s the matter, can’t you remember how to take off?”
He looked at me through these big black rectangular glasses...