The Ultimate Guide to Building a Google Cloud Foundation
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Google Cloud is simply enormous, both in terms of its physical size and features. A nice place to see this enormity is the Google Cloud Developer’s Cheat Sheet (https://github.com/priyankavergadia/google-cloud-4-words). There, you will find a list of most Google Cloud services, each one with a short description and a pair of links where you can find more information. The chain-link icons take you to the product’s overview page, and the links that resemble dog-eared pages take you to the product’s main documentation page.
The Google Cloud Developer’s Cheat Sheet also has an excellent service overview graphic:
Figure 1.12 – Google Cloud Developer’s Cheat Sheet
Time to get out the magnifying glass! It probably works better as a poster, but you get the idea. They even now have a dynamic version you can find here: https://googlecloudcheatsheet.withgoogle.com/
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