The Ultimate Guide to Building a Google Cloud Foundation
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Most of you probably don’t generate your own power. Why? It’s an economy-of-scale thing. Your core business probably isn’t power generation, so you likely don’t know much about it and wouldn’t do that good a job generating it if you tried. Besides, you and your business simply don’t need enough power to make generating it yourself cost-effective. What do you do instead? You connect to a power grid, like this:
Figure 1.1 – The utility model
As you can see, the power company specializes in generating power at scale, and you plug in and use a little slice of that power however you need. Do you worry about how the power is generated? Not overly, but you do want the power to be there whenever and however you need.
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) works just like a power company, only for IT services. Instead of building your IT infrastructure from scratch, you tap into...