C++ High Performance
By :

&& modifier
applying, to class member functions 36
Standard Template Library (STL ) algorithm
searching 167, 168
using 167, 168
ABA problem 366
in programming languages 2, 3, 4
algorithm library
limitations 174, 176
Algorithm library
sorting algorithms 160
using 89, 90
amortized time complexity
about 74, 75, 76
arena 221
building 221, 222, 223, 224, 225
fixed-size allocations 221
limited lifetime 222
single-threaded 221
associative containers
about 109, 110
ordered associative containers 110
ordered sets and maps 110
unordered associative containers 110
unordered sets and maps 111
asymptotic computational complexity
about 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73
asynchronous tasks 336
testing, with sync_wait() 454
atomic references
atomic variables 363
auto keyword