C++ High Performance
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As of C++17, the standard library has been extended with parallel versions of most, but not all, algorithms. Changing your algorithms to allow for parallel execution is simply a matter of adding a parameter that tells the algorithm which parallel execution policy to use.
As stressed earlier in this book, if your code base is based upon standard library algorithms, or at least if you have the habit of writing C++ by using algorithms, you will get an instant performance boost almost for free by adding an execution policy where suitable:
auto v = std::vector<std::string>{
"woody", "steely", "loopy", "upside_down"
// Parallel sort
std::sort(std::execution::par, v.begin(), v.end());
Once you specify an execution policy, you are in the realm of parallel algorithms, which have some notable differences compared to their original sequential versions. Firstly, the minimum iterator category...