Getting Started with V Programming
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During software development, you might need to process or handle each element of the collection such as an array or a map. Sometimes, you will want to access each element of the collection and change its value or just read it for further processing. In V, you can achieve this by writing iterative statements using for
The for
loop, which is used as an iterative statement in V, is used to iterate over the elements of a collection. The collection is generally an array that has elements of a certain data type, or it could be a map
that holds data in the form of key-value pairs.
In this section, we will examine the very basic syntax of how to write a for
loop in V. Then, we will explore various ways in which to work with for
loops, including how to write the following:
loop on mapsfor
loop on arraysfor
loop without an index on the arrayfor
loop on a range