Getting Started with V Programming
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In this chapter, we understood the concept of working with arrays and maps in detail. Regarding arrays, we understood the different types of arrays, including fixed-size arrays and multidimensional arrays, and performed various operations such as cloning, sorting, and filtering arrays.
We also learned about maps, how to initialize them, and performed various map operation techniques such as counting key-value pairs and retrieving values given keys. We also learned how to manipulate the key-value pairs of a map, including updating and deleting key-value pairs.
During the process of learning about the basic concepts of V programming, it is essential to know how to branch out the code to perform a different job using logical or relational operators and how to recursively perform operations. V will facilitate writing this type of code with the help of conditional statements, such as if
, and to perform repeated operations or iterate over the bunch of items in a given array...