Getting Started with V Programming
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The majority of the development community loves open source Unix-like OSes such as Ubuntu. Ubuntu is a distribution based on the Debian infrastructure and architecture. V supports running on Ubuntu. When we install V on a fresh instance of Ubuntu, it will download and install the TCC compiler as a default C backend. It's a very lightweight compiler and the installation is quick.
TCC, or Tiny C Compiler, is a lightweight C compiler. TCC is fast when it comes to compilation times in comparison to GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). However, TCC comes with limitations such as the limited optimization of the resulting binaries, and the executable that is built with the TCC compiler will be slower. For production builds, it is recommended that you have GCC installed.
As a prerequisite to installing V, we would like to have GCC as a C compiler. Please note that, in addition to GCC and TCC, Clang is also a supported compiler on *nix
-based OSes....