QGIS Python Programming Cookbook, Second Edition
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A color ramp allows you to render a raster using just a few colors to represent different ranges of cell values that have a similar meaning in order to group them. The approach that will be used in this recipe is the most common way to render elevation data.
You can download a sample DEM from https://github.com/GeospatialPython/Learn/raw/master/dem.zip, which you can unzip to a directory named rasters
in your qgis_data
In the following steps, we will set up objects to color a raster, create a list establishing the color ramp ranges, apply the ramp to the layer renderer, and finally, add the layer to the map. To do this, we need to perform the following:
First, we import the QtGui
library for color objects in the Python Console:
from PyQt4 import QtGui
Next, we load the raster layer, as follows:
lyr = QgsRasterLayer("/qgis_data/rasters/dem.asc", "DEM")
Now, we create a...