QGIS Python Programming Cookbook, Second Edition
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In this recipe, we'll build a tool that tracks and displays the mouse coordinates in real time. This tool will also demonstrate how to interact with the status bar of a QGIS application.
We will use the application framework from the Adding standard map tools to the canvas recipe, so complete that recipe. We will extend that application with the coordinate tracking tool. A complete version of this application is available in the code samples provided with this book. It will also be beneficial to study the other two tool-related recipes in this chapter, Using a map tool to draw polygons or lines on the canvas and Using a map tool to draw points on the canvas, as this recipe builds on them as well.
We will add an event filter to the basic standalone QGIS application and use it to grab the current mouse coordinates as well as update the status bar. To do this, we need to perform the following steps: