QGIS Python Programming Cookbook, Second Edition
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Sometimes you need to change the location of a feature. You could do this by deleting and re-adding the feature, but PyQGIS provides a simple way to change the geometry.
You will need the New York City museums shapefile, which you can download as a ZIP file from the following URL:
Extract this shapefile to /qgis_data/nyc
We will load the shapefile as a vector layer, validate it, define the feature ID we want to change, create the new geometry, and change the feature in the layer.
Start QGIS.
From the Plugins menu, select Python Console.
First, we load the layer and validate it:
vectorLyr = QgsVectorLayer('/qgis_data/nyc/NYC_MUSEUMS_GEO.shp', 'Museums' , "ogr") vectorLyr.isValid()
Next, we define the feature ID we are interested in changing:
feat_id = 22
Now, we create the new point geometry...