QGIS Python Programming Cookbook, Second Edition
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NetCDF stands for Network Common Data Form and is an open geospatial and scientific data format. Features of the format include machine independent data storage, the ability to store vector, raster, and statistical data, as well as multi-dimensional data, and widespread software read and write support. NetCDF is commonly used for meteorological data, which is what we'll use in this example. Loading NetCDF data in QGIS is a little different from the other types of raster data because of its multi-dimensional capability.
Download the sea surface temperature sample NetCDF file from the following URL:
Place that file in your /qgis_data/rasters
In the QGIS Python Console, create a variable for the path or URI for the NetCDF file. Note that we must specify at the beginning that this file is a NetCDF file, and at the end of the URI, we must specify which of the variables...