QGIS Python Programming Cookbook, Second Edition
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The PostGIS geodatabase is based on the open source Postgres database. The geodatabase provides powerful geospatial data management and operations. PyQGIS fully supports PostGIS as a data source. In this recipe, we'll add a layer from a PostGIS database.
Installing and configuring PostGIS is beyond the scope of this book, so we'll use a sample geospatial database interface from the excellent service http://www.qgiscloud.com/. It has its own Python plugin called QGIS Cloud. You can sign up for free and create your own geodatabase online by following the site's instructions, or you can use the example used in this recipe.
Perform the following steps to load a PostGIS layer into a QGIS map:
instance:uri = QgsDataSourceURI()
uri.setConnection("spacialdb.com", "9999", "lzmjzm_hwpqlf"...