Augmented Reality with Unity AR Foundation
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If you want to develop your own AR applications, I recommend using Unity with AR Foundation as it is one of the most powerful and flexible platforms. Developers interested in creating AR projects can use this book to accelerate their progress on the learning curve and gain experience through a variety of fun and interesting projects. This book complements Unity's own documentation and other resources and provides practical advice and best practices that will have you up and running and productive quickly.
You do not need to be a Unity expert to use this book, but some familiarity will help you get started more quickly. If you are a beginner, I recommend you first run through one or two introductory tutorials found on Unity Learn (https://learn.unity.com/). It may also be helpful to have some experience developing for mobile devices (iOS and/or Android).
That said, I start from the very beginning, walking you along your learning curve slowly at first and then faster as you gain experience. And I provide plenty of links to external resources if you want to learn more and explore specific topics in more depth. Experienced readers can push past the instructions and explanations they already know.