Augmented Reality with Unity AR Foundation
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In this section, we will create prefab game objects for each of the planets. Since each of the planets has similar behaviors (for example, they rotate), we'll first create a generic Planet Prefab, and then make each specific planet a variant of that one. In Unity, prefab variants allow you to define a set of predefined variations of prefabs, such as our planet one (see https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/PrefabVariants.html). We'll write a Planet
script that animates the planet's rotation and handles other behavior. Each planet will have its own "skin" defined by a material, along with a base texture map, which we downloaded earlier from the web.
In this section, we'll create a generic Planet Prefab object, create an Earth Prefab as a variant, add planet metadata by writing a Planet
component script, and implement a planet rotation animation.
The Planet Prefab contains...