Mastering Kotlin for Android 14
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According to the official documentation, ktlint is “an anti-bikeshedding Kotlin linter with a built-in formatter.” It helps us do static analysis of our Kotlin code and has a built-in rule set and formatter. It has several integrations. For Android projects, we normally use the Gradle integration. We have Ktlint Gradle (https://github.com/jlleitschuh/ktlint-gradle), which provides a wrapper plugin over the ktlint project. After adding the project to our project, it creates gradle
tasks that allow us to run ktlint
on our project. We are also able to do auto-formatting.
To set up Ktlint in our project, we need to add the Ktlint plugin to our project’s build.gradle.kts
file in the plugins block, as follows:
id("org.jlleitschuh.gradle.ktlint") version "11.6.1"
Tap the Sync Now button at the top to add the changes to the project. This adds the Ktlint plugin to our project. We also need to set the plugin to...