Mastering Kotlin for Android 14
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Runtime permissions are permissions that are requested at runtime by an app. They are also called dangerous permissions. The user can grant or deny each permission, and the app can continue to run with limited capabilities even if the user denies a permission request. Android provides several methods you can use to request permission, such as requestPermissions()
and checkSelfPermission()
. The user only needs to grant permission once during the lifetime of the app.
Some of the features that need permission to be granted to work are camera, location, microphone and storage. Before using them, ensure that a user has permission to use them. If the user has not granted permission, you must request it from them. If the user has denied the permission, you must show a dialog explaining why you need it and ask the user to grant it from the settings. If the user has granted permission, you can use the feature. Failing to do these checks often results in...