iOS 15 Programming for Beginners
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The Let's Eat app uses a table view in the Locations screen to display a list of restaurant locations. A table view presents table view cells using rows arranged in a single column.
Important Information
To learn more about table views, visit https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uitableview.
The data displayed by a table view is normally provided by a view controller. A view controller providing data for a table view must conform to the UITableViewDataSource
protocol. This protocol declares a list of methods that tells the table view how many cells to display and what to display in each cell.
Important Information
To learn more about the UITableViewDataSource
protocol, visit https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uitableviewdatasource.
To provide user interaction, a view controller for a table view must also conform to the UITableViewDelegate
protocol, which declares a list of methods which are triggered when a user...