iOS 15 Programming for Beginners
By :

Before you begin writing iOS apps, you need to download and install Xcode from the App Store. To do this, follow these steps:
and press the Return key.Figure 1.1: Apple ID creation dialog box
Important Information
You can see more information on how to create an Apple ID using this link: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204316#appstore.
Figure 1.2: Welcome to Xcode screen
Figure 1.3: Choose a template for your new project screen
Figure 1.4: Choose options for your new project screen
Configure this options screen as follows:
in the text field.com.yourname
for now. This is known as reverse domain name notation format, and is normally used here.Leave the other settings as their default values and make sure all the checkboxes are unticked. Click Next when done.
Figure 1.5: Save dialog box
Important Information
The reason why you see this dialog box is because the Source Control checkbox is ticked. Apple recommends that Source Control be turned on. Source Control is outside the scope of this book but if you wish to learn more about version control and Git, see this link: https://git-scm.com/video/what-is-version-control.
Figure 1.6: Source Control preference screen
Enter the following information:
Close the Source Control preference screen by clicking the red Close button in the top-left corner when done. The Xcode main window will appear.
Fantastic! You have now successfully downloaded and installed Xcode and created your first project. In the next section, you will learn about the Xcode user interface.