iOS 15 Programming for Beginners
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As can be seen in the app tour in Chapter 9, Setting Up the User Interface, once you've set a location and tapped a cuisine in the Explore screen, the Restaurant List screen will appear, showing a list of restaurants.
To implement the Restaurant List screen, you'll add a new view controller scene to your storyboard and add a collection view to the view in this scene. You'll also add a new Cocoa Touch Class file, declare and define the RestaurantListViewController
class, make it the view controller for the view controller scene's view, and connect the outlets of the collection view to this class. The steps are very similar to the one you followed in the previous chapter for the ExploreViewController
Let's start by adding the new view controller scene. Follow these steps:
storyboard file, move the navigation controller scene and view controller scene that you added in the previous chapter...