iOS 15 Programming for Beginners
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In this lesson, you learned how to create and use playground files, which allow you to explore and experiment with Swift.
You saw how Swift represents different types of data, and how to use constants and variables. This enables you to store numbers, Boolean values, and strings in your program
You also learned about type inference, type annotation, and type safety, which help you to write code concisely and with fewer errors.
You looked at how to perform operations on numbers and strings, which lets you perform simple data processing tasks.
You learned how to fix errors, and how to print to the Debug area, which is useful when you're trying to find and fix errors in the programs that you write.
In the next chapter, you'll look at conditionals and optionals. Conditionals deal with making logical choices in your program, and optionals deal with cases where a variable may or may not have a value.