3D Graphics Rendering Cookbook
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Normally, each frame is rendered as an offscreen image. Once the rendering process is complete, the offscreen image should be made visible. An object that holds a collection of available offscreen images – or, more specifically, a queue of rendered images waiting to be presented to the screen – is called a swap chain. In OpenGL, presenting an offscreen buffer to the visible area of a window is performed using system-dependent functions, namely wglSwapBuffers()
on Windows, eglSwapBuffers()
on OpenGL ES embedded systems, glXSwapBuffers()
on Linux, and automatically on macOS. Using Vulkan, we need to select a sequencing algorithm for the swap chain images. Also, the operation that presents an image to the display is no different from any other operation, such as rendering a collection of triangles. The Vulkan API object model treats each graphics device as a collection of command queues where rendering, computation, or transfer operations...