3D Graphics Rendering Cookbook
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The new Vulkan API is much more verbose, so we must split creating a graphical demo into separate, smaller recipes. In this recipe, we will learn how to create a Vulkan instance, enumerate all the physical devices in the system that are capable of 3D graphics rendering, and initialize one of these devices to create a window with an attached surface.
Teaching Vulkan from scratch is not the goal of this book, so we recommend starting with the book Vulkan Cookbook, published by Packt, and Vulkan Programming Guide: The Official Guide to Learning Vulkan, by Addison-Wesley Professional.
The hardest part of transitioning from OpenGL to Vulkan, or any other similar modern graphics API, is getting used to the amount of explicit code necessary to set up the rendering process, which, thankfully, only needs to be done once. It is also useful to get a grasp of Vulkan's object model. As a good starting point, we recommend...