Building Games with Flutter
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So far in our game, we have used component-level collision detection to detect collisions between George and the coins and enemies. When you are working with map levels, you will generally add other objects on the map that act as barriers, such as water, buildings, or trees. As the player navigates around maps with these types of items, we want to ensure that neither George nor enemies walk through these objects.
In the Understanding map navigation section, we removed the ScreenCollidable
component to allow the enemies to freely move around the map, but now the enemies and George can wander off the map.
In this section, we are going to add a water barrier that will go around the map. We will check for collisions to prevent both George and the enemies from being able to leave the map. We will read the map locations of the water from an object layer and create new Water
components. We will make these components collidable and add these to the game so that...