Game Development with Rust and WebAssembly
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The initial screen we've been looking at for so long, with RHB jumping from a stone onto a platform, is what we're going to call a "segment." It's not a technical term, just a concept we've made up for the sake of generating them. As RHB moves to the right (that is, when all the obstacles move to the left), we'll generate new segments to the right, which is just off screen. We'll create these as segments so that we can control what is generated and how they fit together. Think of it like this: if we generated obstacles at random, then our platforms would look messy and would arrange themselves in an unbeatable fashion, like so:
Figure 6.5 – A truly random level
Instead, what we'll do is create a segment where the first one looks exactly like our one platform and one rock, and have them string together via a "timeline" value that's stored in Walk
. This timeline will...