The steps for this recipe are as follows:
- Go to the Azure portal where you created your custom vision project.
- Navigate your browser to and log in with your Azure credential. This will take you to the Projects page. There are some sample projects, but you will want to create your own. Click on the New project tile. Then, fill out the Create new project wizard. For this recipe, we are taking pictures of food and drink items so that we can use them in a workplace safety computer vision project. This type of computer vision could be used in an electronics shop, where people are eating in an environment with contaminants such as lead or carcinogens.
On the main page of the project, you will see a Tags button. Click on the Untagged option (as shown in the following screenshot) and you will see all of the images that you uploaded:

Click on the image and use the tools to draw a bounding box around the images. From here, you can draw bounding...