Building Big Data Pipelines with Apache Beam
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The description in the previous section – Describing the anatomy of an Apache Beam runner – applies to both classic and portable runners. However, there are some important differences between the two.
A classic runner is a runner that is implemented using the same programming language as the Beam SDK. The runner is made in a way that enables it to run the specific SDK only. An example of a classic runner is a classic FlinkRunner
instance, which uses Apache Flink, has a native API implemented in Java, and is able to execute Beam pipelines written in the Java SDK. We used this runner throughout the first five chapters of this book.
A portable runner is implemented using the portability layer and as a result, it can be used to execute pipelines written in any SDK that is supported by Beam. However, this flexibility comes at a price – a portable runner implemented in Java and running a pipeline implemented...