Metabase Up and Running
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In this chapter, we learned all about visualizations. We started with simple bar and line plots, then learned about other less common plot types, such as scatterplots and funnel plots. We learned how to make visualizations that focus on single important numbers, put them in context with goals, and created alerts that notify us when those goals are reached. Finally, we learned how to make impressive maps using geo-related data.
Just as a picture is worth a thousand words, a good visualization can instantly communicate a complex idea from a saved question. After working through this chapter, you should have a good understanding of what types of visualizations work best for certain questions.
At this point, we have quite a few saved questions and visualizations in the Our Analytics collection. In the next chapter, we'll learn how to put these on dashboards. A dashboard is just an organized set of visualizations, often used to convey a holistic understanding of something...