Metabase Up and Running
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The data that we've been working with in the pies
database is relatively small. The number of rows per table is in the tens or hundreds of thousands. What's more, the queries we've been running have been relatively inexpensive. When I refer to them as inexpensive, I mean in terms of compute power. With relatively small data, a powerful PostgreSQL database, and a scalable Metabase environment all living in the same VPC, we have not had to deal with the most common pain point in analytics: slow-running queries.
Unfortunately, slow-running queries are unavoidable in the real world. This is especially true when you grant query privileges to everyone, or at least most, in your organization. The cost of opening up your data to everyone is that people are going to write some…how do you say it, creative queries. Fortunately, Metabase offers a caching feature to help minimize any pain points that crop up around waiting for poorly optimized or expensive...