Metabase Up and Running
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The entire Metabase project is maintained on GitHub at https://github.com/metabase. The main repository is https://github.com/metabase/metabase. Here is where all the code that runs your Metabase instance lives, as well as the all the changes to the code base since the project was first hosted on GitHub.
Development of Metabase on GitHub is done through issues and pull requests. You can think of issues as feature requests or bug reports, and pull requests as solutions to those feature requests or bug reports. Let's see an example.
On November 9, 2017, an issue was opened on GitHub around having free-text markdown boxes in dashboards (Figure 10.12). We know, from Chapter 8, Building Dashboards, Pulses, and Collections, that this feature now exists. However, at the time that the issue was created, it didn't. The issue was what brought the need for the feature to the attention...