Metabase Up and Running
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Without it being our explicit goal, we created a line plot in Chapter 6, Creating Questions. When we took our Orders table and counted the rows by Created Date, Metabase guessed that we would want the data to be displayed as a line plot. In analytics, especially business analytics, line plots tend to be the most popular type of data visualization. That is because line plots are used to show time series data where data is summarized over intervals of time, such as days, weeks, months, quarters, or years.
When we came across this line plot in the last chapter, we simply saved it as a question and moved on. Let's now create another one and explore all the ways Metabase will let us customize our visualization. Let's get started.
In the last chapter, we looked at order growth over time. Now let's look at user growth over time. Since this involves a single table (Users), a single aggregation (Count of rows), and a single grouping (Created Date), we...