One of the truly great things about the ML-Agents kit is the ability to add multiple agents powered by multiple brains quickly. This in turns gives us the ability to build more complex game environments or scenarios with fun agents/AI to play both with and against. Let's see how easy it is to convert our soccer example to let the agents all use individual brains:
- Open up the editor to the SoccerTwos scene we looked at earlier.
- Locate the Brains folder for the example at Assets | ML-Agents | Examples | Soccer | Brains.
- Click the Create menu in the upper right corner of the window and from the Context menu, and select ML-Agents | Learning Brain:

Creating a new learning brain
- Name the new brain RedStrikerLearning. Create three more new brains named RedGoalieLearning, BlueGoalieLearning, and BlueStrikerLearning in the same folder.
- Select RedStrikerLearning...