For an R package, the best way to find the manual is to find the location of the installed R package. In the following example, we use the R package called rattle as an example:
> library(rattle) > path.package('rattle') [1] "C:/Users/yany/Documents/R/win-library/3.3/rattle"
Note that different readers will definitively get different paths. Our result is shown in the following screenshot:

The PDF manual and HTML manuals are located under the doc subdirectory. It is a great idea to explore these subdirectories. To save space, we will not show the detailed files contained under the subdirectories. The second best way is to go to, click CRAN, choose a nearby mirror location and click packages on the left-hand side. Then, from one of the two lists, search for the package. After clicking on the package, we will find...