- Why should we care about data visualization?
- Where can we find lists of R, Python, and Julia packages associated with data visualization?
- Draw a graph using R and Python for the following formula:

- Based on R programming, put the following two graphs together:
- Download the R dataset related to the Fama-French monthly factor time series at http://canisius.edu/~yany/RData/ff3monthly.RData. Then, draw the histograms for these three factors: Market, SMB, and HML.
- Write an R program to generate 1,000 random numbers from a uniform distribution. Then, estimate their mean and standard deviation. Finally, draw a histogram. Note that the R function for drawing n random numbers from a uniform distribution is runif(n).
- Repeat the previous exercise using Python and Julia.
- Use Python to draw both the sine and cosine functions together.
- From a beta distribution...