- What is distributed computing? Why it is useful?
- From where could we get a task view for parallel computing?
- From the task view related to parallel computing, we can find many R packages. Identify a few of them. Install two and find a few examples of using these two packages.
- Conduct a word frequency analysis using: The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas (input file is at http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1184/1184-0.txt).
- From where could we find more information about Anaconda add-ons?
- What is HPCC and how does it work?
- How do we find the path of an installed R package?
- In the sample Jupyter notebook about parallel Monte-Carlo options pricing, the related Asian options are defined here, where call(Asian) is the Asian put option, Put(Asian), K is the exercise price, and
is the average price over the path:

Write a Jupyter notebook to use...