Pentaho 8 Reporting for Java Developers
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In this chapter, you learnt everything about internationalization and localization using Pentaho Report Designer. You started with the definition of internationalization (and i18n) and then you saw what localization means in case of a Pentaho report. To make everything practical, you saw how to include resource elements (resource-label
, resource-field
, and resource-message
) and how to resolve the content using the resource bundles. At last, you also saw how to test the various localizations for your Pentaho report.
To complete the description, for future reference, you also saw how to localize an existing report in English and Spanish (but other translations could be developed in the same way).
Now that you have read this chapter, you should feel comfortable with all the ways Pentaho Report Designer offers to manage internationalization and localization. This is an advanced task in developing complex Pentaho reports and makes you an expert in dealing with complex reports that can be...