Pentaho 8 Reporting for Java Developers
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Now that the concepts of element and property have been introduced, let's start talking about the root of a report (the Master Report
element) and the first level in the tree structure, the bands. Specifically, we are going to describe the properties related to each type of element, starting from the common ones and then describing the specific ones, element per element.
Every Pentaho report you create has a Master Report
element as the root of the tree hierarchy. The Master Report
element is not explicitly visible in the preview or the report canvas, but it contains a set of general properties. In the following section, dedicated to the Master Report
element, you will learn more about the specific properties of this root element.
When first creating a report, in your canvas and report explorer structure tree, you will see: Page Header
, Report Header
, Details
, Report Footer
, and Page Footer
band. These bands, along with other bands, including Group...