Thanks to the Pentaho Reporting capabilities, the development of interactive reports is straightforward. As a demonstration of how an interactive report would work, you will see here how to develop different types of interactions. The examples shared here cannot be exhaustive, but will give you an overview of the most relevant features you can use in your future developments.

Pentaho 8 Reporting for Java Developers
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Pentaho 8 Reporting for Java Developers
Overview of this book
This hands-on tutorial, filled with exercises and examples, introduces the reader to a variety of concepts within Pentaho Reporting. With screenshots that show you how reports look at design time as well as how they should look when rendered as PDF, Excel, HTML, Text, Rich-Text-File, XML, and CSV, this book also contains complete example source code that you can copy and paste into your environment to get up-and-running quickly. Updated to cover the features of Pentaho 8, this book will teach you everything you need to know to build fast, efficient reports using Pentaho. If your interest lies in the technical details of creating reports and you want to see how to solve common reporting problems with a minimum of fuss, this is the book for you.
Table of Contents (18 chapters)
Introduction to Pentaho Reporting
Getting Started with Report Designer
Getting Started with Reporting SDK
Creating a Report with Report Designer
Design and Layout in Report Designer
Configuring JDBC and Other Data Sources
Including Graphics and Charts in Reports
Parameterization, Functions, Variables, and Formulas
Internationalization and Localization
Subreports and Cross Tabs
The PRPT Format and the Java API to Build It
Developing Using Data Sources
Internationalization, Subreports, and Cross Tabs Using Java
Building Interactive Reports
Using Reports in Pentaho Business Analytics Platform
Using Reports in Pentaho Data Integration
Pentaho Reporting Nightly Build and Support
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