Key performance indicators (KPIs) indicate the status of a measure based on user-defined thresholds. You have already gone through some instances of KPI in previous chapters. Here, you will learn how to apply this success metric to a table. In this exercise, you will create a KPI to analyze the net revenue for 2016. First, you will define the KPI for a single cell in the table, and then you will apply the same KPI to a range of selected cells. Here's the procedure:
- Click on the first record's cell in the Net Revenue column to select it.
- Click on the more actions icon.
- Select the first option, Set KPI, from the more actions menu.
- In the KPI panel, which appears on the right side, click on the Add KPI link:

- In the Define KPIs window, enter Net Revenue 2016 for the KPI name, and create the three thresholds (OK, Warning, and Critical) along with...