Now you will see the other side of the picture by creating another chart to display the bottom five sales managers.
- Select the Top 5 sales managers chart, and click on the Copy icon.
- In the sub-menu, click on Copy. The selected chart will be copied to clipboard, and a corresponding message (A) will appear on your screen:

- Click on an empty area in the page, and press Ctrl+V to paste the chart from the clipboard onto the page. Alternatively, you can use the Paste option from the Copy and Paste menu on the File toolbar. A copy of the Top 5 sales managers chart appears on the page.
- Select the new chart, and replace its title with Bottom 5 sales managers.
- Click on the Top N options on the chart's menu.
- Select Top N Options from the sub-menu.

- In the Top N Options dialog box, set Mode to Bottom (A) to show the bottom results. Set Value to...