Deep Learning with Keras
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The word2vec group of models was created in 2013 by a team of researchers at Google led by Tomas Mikolov. The models are unsupervised, taking as input a large corpus of text and producing a vector space of words. The dimensionality of the word2vec embedding space is usually lower than the dimensionality of the one-hot embedding space, which is the size of the vocabulary. The embedding space is also more dense compared to the sparse embedding of the one-hot embedding space.
The two architectures for word2vec are as follows:
In the CBOW architecture, the model predicts the current word given a window of surrounding words. In addition, the order of the context words does not influence the prediction (that is, the bag of words assumption). In the case of skip-gram architecture, the model predicts the surrounding words given the center word. According to the authors, CBOW is faster but skip-gram does a better job at predicting infrequent words.