Machine Learning with Swift
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For the demonstration of the CNNs we will implement a simple neural network for emotion recognition. We will use the dataset of face expressions fer2013
from the ICML 2013 contest Facial Expression Recognition Challenge [1].
The dataset can be downloaded from the kaggle site:
You will be asked to register and accept the terms and conditions.
The archive fer2013.tar.gz
contains fer2013.csv
with the dataset itself and some supplementary information files. The .csv
file contains 35,887 samples, of which 28,709 marked as training set, 3,589 as public test, and 3,589 private test. There are three columns in the table: emotion, pixels and usage. Every sample is a grayscale 48 × 48 pixels face photo in a form of pixel array. The faces were cropped in an automatic way, so there are some false-positives in the dataset (non-faces and cartoon...