Machine Learning with Swift
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Wouldn't it be awesome at the end of every day to see the statistics of it: how much time have you spent doing things you like, and how much time you've wasted? With this kind of report, you could make your time management decisions based on real data, not just a gut feeling. Wait, but there are a lot of time trackers out there on the App Store, right? Sure, but there is one problem with most of them: you have to fill them in manually, because they can't detect what are you doing at every moment. You can't teach them to recognize types of your activities. Fortunately, we can fix this using machine learning; specifically, time series classification.
Time series is a special kind of dataset in which samples are arranged according to the time. Usually, time series are generated when samples are taken repeatedly after equal time intervals (sampling interval). In other words, the time series is a sequence of values measured at successive moments...