TensorFlow Machine Learning Cookbook
By :

At first, computation in TensorFlow may seem needlessly complicated. But there is a reason for it: because of how TensorFlow treats computation, developing more complicated algorithms is relatively easy. This recipe will guide us through the pseudocode of a TensorFlow algorithm.
Currently, TensorFlow is supported on Linux, Mac, and Windows. The code for this book has been created and run on a Linux system, but should run on any other system as well. The code for the book is available on GitHub at https://github.com/nfmcclure/tensorflow_cookbookTensorFlow. Throughout this book, we will only concern ourselves with the Python library wrapper of TensorFlow, although most of the original core code for TensorFlow is written in C++. This book will use Python 3.4+ (https://www.python.org) and TensorFlow 0.12 (https://www.tensorflow.org). TensorFlow has a 1.0.0 alpha version available on the official GitHub site, and the code in this book has been reviewed to be compatible with that version as well. While TensorFlow can run on the CPU, most algorithms run faster if processed on the GPU, and it is supported on graphics cards with Nvidia Compute Capability v4.0+ (v5.1 recommended). Popular GPUs for TensorFlow are Nvidia Tesla architectures and Pascal architectures with at least 4 GB of video RAM. To run on a GPU, you will also need to download and install the Nvidia Cuda Toolkit and also v 5.x + (https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads). Some of the recipes will rely on a current installation of the Python packages: Scipy, Numpy, and Scikit-Learn. These accompanying packages are also all included in the Anaconda package (https://www.continuum.io/downloads).
Here we will introduce the general flow of TensorFlow algorithms. Most recipes will follow this outline:
data = tf.nn.batch_norm_with_global_normalization(...)
learning_rate = 0.01 batch_size = 100 iterations = 1000
function. To accomplish this, we feed in data through placeholders. We need to initialize both of these variables and placeholders with size and type, so that TensorFlow knows what to expect. TensorFlow also needs to know the type of data to expect: for most of this book, we will use float32
. TensorFlow also provides float64
and float16
. Note that the more bytes used for precision results in slower algorithms, but the less we use results in less precision. See the following code:a_var = tf.constant(42) x_input = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, input_size]) y_input = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, num_classes])
y_pred = tf.add(tf.mul(x_input, weight_matrix), b_matrix)
function. The loss
function is very important as it tells us how far off our predictions are from the actual values. The different types of loss
functions are explored in greater detail, in the Implementing Back Propagation recipe in Chapter 2, The TensorFlow Way:loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(y_actual – y_pred))
with tf.Session(graph=graph) as session: ... session.run(...) ...
Note that we can also initiate our graph with:
session = tf.Session(graph=graph) session.run(…)
In TensorFlow, we have to set up the data, variables, placeholders, and model before we tell the program to train and change the variables to improve the predictions. TensorFlow accomplishes this through the computational graphs. These computational graphs are a directed graphs with no recursion, which allows for computational parallelism. We create a loss
function for TensorFlow to minimize. TensorFlow accomplishes this by modifying the variables in the computational graph. Tensorflow knows how to modify the variables because it keeps track of the computations in the model and automatically computes the gradients for every variable. Because of this, we can see how easy it can be to make changes and try different data sources.
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