Mastering Data Visualization with Microsoft Visio Professional 2016
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There are many templates and tools within Visio that either import or export data.
The following diagram shows the various data sources or targets listed vertically in the center. The Visio features that can import data are on the left-hand side, and the features that export are on the right. There are many features that use data, but the most relevant features and data sources are enhanced with a thicker outline:
I have omitted SharePoint workflows from this diagram because it is so specialized.
Visit http://blog.bvisual.net/2015/11/16/data-import-and-export-features-in-visio-2016-and-2013/ for more information about this diagram.
Most of these features utilize the Shape Data capability of Visio shapes, pages, and documents. The following table lists the Visio features that import values into Shape Data rows:
SQL Server stored procedures can also be used as a data source in code in addition to the tables and views that are accessible from the...