Robotic Process Automation with Automation Anywhere
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Building tasks for your bot using Automation Anywhere is comparatively easier than other scripting languages, such as VBScript, JavaScript, or Python. To make a bot perform a task, you give it a list of actions. These actions are executed in a sequential manner. To put it simply, the bot will run through a list of actions. These actions, put together, become a task. The complete list is what makes a taskbot.
There are three different ways to visualize your bot actions. These are Flow, List, and Dual. The default view is Flow when you initially create a bot. You can switch between the three ways by selecting the desired tab located on the top pane of the interface, as shown in the following screenshot:
Figure 4.7 – Bot development visual aids
Let's explore the three views in more detail. Before we do this, we will add a simple action for the bot to perform. We will add a message box; the following...